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ASP.NET Core–Cannot resolve from root provider because it requires scoped service

A colleague contacted me with the following problem; when running his ASP.NET Core application it failed with the following error message: Cannot resolve IApiLoggingService from root provider because it requires scoped service NHibernate.IInterceptor In this post I walk you through the different steps we took to investigate the issue and explain how we solved it. But before I dive into the problem itself I first want to give some background info on dependency injection in ASP.NET Core and service lifetimes. Dependency injection and service lifetimes ASP.NET Core supports the dependency injection (DI) software design pattern, which is a technique for achieving Inversion of Control (IoC) between classes and their dependencies. Registration of a dependency is done in the built-in service container, IServiceProvider . Services are typically registered at the app's start-up and appended to an IServiceCollection . Once all services are added, you use BuildServiceProvider to
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Seq–Event JSON representation exceeds the body size limit 262144;

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Building platforms–Strike the right balance

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Azure Static Web App–Distributed Functions

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